I love gossip girl!
Gossip Girl is an American teen drama television series based on the book series of the same name written by Cecily von Ziegesar. The series, created by Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, originally ran on The CW for six seasons from September 19, 2007 to December 17, 2012. Narrated by the omniscient blogger "Gossip Girl", voiced by Kristen Bell, the series revolves around the lives of privileged young adults on Manhattan's Upper East Side in New York City.
The series begins with the return of Upper East Side It girl Serena van der Woodsen from a mysterious stay at a boarding school in Cornwall, Connecticut. is a longtime friend and occasional rival of Serena's, and the queen bee of Constance Billard School's social scene. The story also follows Chuck Bass, the bad boy of the Upper East Side, and "golden boy" Nate Archibald, Chuck's best friend and Blair's boyfriend for many years. However, their relationship has been rocky ever since Serena left for boarding school. Other characters of the turbulent Manhattan scene: Dan Humphrey, Dan's best friend Vanessa Abrams, and Dan's sister, Jenny Humphrey .
I love this show and everything about it. If you haven't yet seen Gossip Girl, and are looking for a knew show to watch on Netflix, check it out!
ReplyDeleteI have heard of Gossip Girl, just never watched it. It sounds kind of fun. Right now my husband and I are watching Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on Netflix. That is a pretty good show too. I love to binge watch shows. Some think it might be a waste of time but I think it's fun.