Sunday, June 28, 2015

Journal Sunday 28th Creed free write

I believe in second chances and forgiveness. I believe that people make mistakes in life, and I believe sometimes you have to mess up to actually lean your lesson. There are so many times in my life I have done something wrong and learned from the mistake and there has been times where it has taken me more than once to learn a lesson. Human are not perfect, and sometimes people except them to be. Why is that? 

From research and past experience, forgiveness for human is so hard because we are so hard headed. When a person is hurt or let down by someone they trust their pride and self-esteem is injured. The expectations or dreams you had for that person are let down, they disappointed you, and you feel like you gave away trust which can be very hard.  

I’ve always grown up in a house of forgiveness where my family has always loved me unconditionally no matter what, and had to forgive me for many stupid things I’ve done as teenager or did as a child. Life has been a crazy journey for me, but never once has my family given up on me and I would never turn my back on them. 

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